

Josh’s Memorial Speech
By John O’Bryan 

Here we are again, celebrating and memorializing the life of my roommate, Josh. I know he’s up there right now, most likely either getting into arguments with Charles Darwin or hanging out with some ladies. Josh will always be with me and part of my mind, probably taking up the space where calculus should be. For as long as I knew Josh, he was always a very peaceful person. Never once did I see him mad at or about anything, I’ve seen him angry, but not mad. There could be something wrong with his truck, or he would get a bad grade, and he’d always carry a smile.

            In a few minutes you will have a chance to come up and tell your memories, stories, past experiences, and maybe even one of Josh’s secrets. Since I’m already up here, I might as well continue. Last year was the first Super Bowl that Josh actually sat down and watched, at least that’s what he told me. It figures that the first Super Bowl he watches has a grand half time show, thanks to Janet Jackson. I looked away from the TV for a moment and soon he’s yelling, “Oh my God, did you see that?”

            And then there is the time Josh ran over my foot, kind of, he didn’t actually run my foot over, he parked his truck on top of my foot.  Josh, Julie, and I were heading out to Whiteface Mt. for a day of skiing. Our equipment was all packed in the back of the truck and at a point before we left I had to get something out of my bag. So there I was, standing by the side of the truck where the rear right wheel is, leaning over the side to get into my bag. For some reason, Josh thought it would be funny if he moved the truck forward a bit and park it again. So here I am with my right foot under the wheel, knocking on the truck bed, yelling move forward. I was eye to eye with Julie, who was sitting in the back seat, and she had no idea what was going on or what I was doing. I made it obvious that there was a Dodge Dakota resting on my foot but apparently it wasn’t obvious enough, until about 30 seconds later Julie told Josh to move the truck. I got back in the truck and with a straight face I said to Josh, “Thanks for running my foot over.” He replied, “Oh sorry dude.” My foot only hurt for a few minutes after, other than that it’s perfectly fine.
            I miss you buddy, but I know you are with me.