
Dearest Kim, Rick & Tiff,                                                                            February 9, 2005

     We join an enormous circle of Emmaus folks who are deeply saddened by the loss of someone we loved and admired. No one can comprehend the depth of your sorrow, except those who have gone down a similar path. The loss of a child is that singular event every parent fears most from the first day we set eyes on our children.

When Josh was little we used to joke with each other that it takes a "village" to raise a child - probably after he had been at our place for the day or Patrick at yours.

We loved looking after him and noticed early on that Josh had an intensity about him that was all his own. He was one of those people who seemed "older" than his little exterior would show. He fit right in with Tiff's friends - though they were two years beyond him. Josh did his best to do whatever they were doing and keep right up with the biggest and best of the group.

He was a sincerely honest, authentic person. I cannot even imagine Josh ever telling a lie, even if it meant facing difficult consequences. It just wasn't in him to be anything other than Good. Yet, with that, there was a 'scrappy' boy inside who was a fighter. He did not hurt others. He was hardest on himself. But, you could see a fire in his eyes when someone else was wronged and he wanted to set things straight.

Sometimes, there are certain souls who seemed destined for greatness. They achieve things early on that surpass what we, as parents or neighbors, have been able to accomplish ourselves. These people seem to reach peaks in the passions they pursue that surprise even those closest to them. In his very young life, Josh worked hard for everything he accomplished. Graduating with honors from _Emmaus and earning Eagle Scout are just two of those early achievements.

No one here can understand why he is gone. In my heart, I believe that Josh touched lives and made a difference in ways we will never fully know. He achieved great success in every area that mattered most to him.  All who knew him were better for it. He was a real friend to so many, including our oldest son.

I thank God we had Josh in our "village" for some time. We offer you our hands in friendship and love. Our doors and hearts are always open to you all.

 Loving You, Tim and Teri Goszka, Patrick & Will St. John